Buckling: Where an applied force causes the post to bend.
Crushing: Where an applied force crushes the material of the post.
Slab: Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal in building flo
ors, roofs, bridges, and other types of structures.
Slab-Type: Doseme in Turkish, may span.
Between two supports: (One way slab)
Between two sets of supports: (Two way slabs)
Linear Members: May bend due to excessive forces.
Post Type Members in Vertical Members: Linear
-Posts, Piers, Columns, Studs.-
Post: A post is a main vertical or leaning support in a structure similar to a column or pillar but the term post generally refers to a timber but may be metal or stone.
Pier: Piers are usually cylindrical concrete shafts, cast in prepared holes, while in bridges they take the form of caissons, which are sunk into position.
Columns: Columns are frequently used to support beams or arches on which the upper parts of walls or ceilings rest.
Studs: They are a fundamental component of frame construction and are typically made of timber.